Friday, April 27, 2018

PLEASE READ to help us continie to support your childcare center/in-home

Dear Platte County friends,

We would like to ask a favor from all of you. The CCHC (Child Care Health Consultant) grant is asking for our help. This is the grant that lets us come visit you to assist with trainings hours, policy development, technical assistance, and our health promotion classes for your little ones.

 Can you please take a moment to share with the State your personal stories of how Sherrie and I help your center or family home? They would like to hear about our family partnerships and the personal stories of how our services are impacting children and your families.

 These few moments of your time will help at the Federal level for us to continue to help and partner with you!!

 Thanks for your time! Have a great weekend!

 Your Child Care Consultants,

Stacy and Sherrie