Friday, February 24, 2017

Are You Fighting Germs This Month and Not Winning The Battle?

Due to increasing reports of flu and gastrointestinal illnesses throughout Platte County and the Kansas City metro area, we wanted to remind you to make an extra effort to practice good hygiene measures throughout flu season:


  • Promote regular handwashing at work and at home, particularly after handling used tissues or using the restroom and before eating or preparing food.  Handwashing is the best way to prevent the spread of communicable disease!
  • If you or your kids have a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting, stay home from work or school until at least 24 hours after symptoms end.
  • Perform routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched environmental surfaces and equipment as well as high-traffic areas:
    • Frequently touched surfaces include, but are not limited to, commodes, toilets, faucets, hand railing, telephones, door handles, computer equipment, and kitchen preparation surfaces.
    • Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection frequently touched surfaces when there are many sick children (e.g., increase cleaning to twice daily to maintain cleanliness, with frequently touched surfaces cleaned and disinfected three times daily).
    • Clean and disinfect surfaces starting from the areas with a lower likelihood of contamination (e.g., tray tables, counter tops) to areas with highly contaminated surfaces (e.g., toilets, bathroom fixtures).
    • Change mop heads when a new bucket of cleaning solution is prepared, or after cleaning large spills of vomit or fecal material.
    • Consider avoiding the use of upholstered furniture and rugs or carpets, as these objects are difficult to clean and disinfect completely. If this option is not possible, immediately clean soilage, such as vomit or fecal material, from upholstery, using a manufacturer-approved cleaning agent or detergent.  Consider discarding items that cannot be appropriately cleaned/disinfected.
  • After throwing up or having diarrhea, immediately clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces.
    • Use a chlorine bleach solution (see attached, or page 40 of the Prevention and Control of Communicable Disease Manual) or other disinfectant registered as effective against norovirus by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    • PCHD and the Missouri Department of Health do not recommend using Clorox wipes or other disinfectant wipes(scented or unscented), as they can increase incidence of asthma in students and cause other allergic reactions.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Child Care Provider Mandatory Training FAQ's

FAQ’s for New Training Requirements from                              Missouri Department of Social Services
The Frequently Asked Questions will be posted here once approved:

 The list of approved trainings is here:

Training hours are ONLY accepted after January 1, 2016 (the exception is First Aid/CPR – as long as there is a current certification)



1)      If kitchen staff or volunteers do not provide direct child care, do they have to complete all 17 trainings, or are they exempt from some?

All training topics must be completed by any employee/volunteer that has direct contact with the children, meaning they provide direct supervision of children and are counted in the staff/child ratio

2)      Which categories of providers are required and which are exempt from the new training categories requirements?

Training is required for all licensed and license-exempt child care providers with a contract or registration agreement with the Department of Social Services to provide care to child care subsidy eligible children.

3)      Which categories will be required annual and which will be a one-time training?

Other than maintaining First Aid/CPR, the topics listed will not be required in the future unless the agency identifies a need.  Additional trainings will be required in future years, but should be less than the 11 topics at one time. It is possible one of the 11 topics could be required again.

4)      Is there going to be an exemption window (or extension period) for new child care providers starting close to the initial June 2017 due date?

The June 30, 2017 date is for existing providers. It is my understanding that new providers will need to meet the training requirements before a subsidy contract is approved but that process is not finalized.  For new staff/volunteers at an existing provider, the requirements must be met within 3 months of hire and the new staff/volunteer cannot be left unsupervised with children.

5)    Which categories will be required annual and which will be a one-time training?

Other than maintaining First Aid/CPR, the topics listed will not be required in the future unless the agency identifies a need.  Additional trainings will be required in future years, but should be less than the 11 topics at one time. It is possible one of the 11 topics could be required again.

Required Trainings

1)   First aid and CPR

2)   Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Safe Sleeping 

Must be completed by providers serving children 2 YO or younger – AND by all FOLs

3)   Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma

Must be completed by providers serving children 2 YO or younger – AND by all FOLs

4)   Emergency Disaster and Response

5)   Mandatory Child Abuse and Neglect (CA/N) Reporting

6)   Prevention and Control of infectious diseases (including immunizations)

7)   Administration of medication, consistent with standards for parental consent

8)   Prevention and Response to Food Allergy Emergencies

9)   Building and Physical Premises Safety; including identification of and protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury

10)      Handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate disposal of bio-contaminants

11)      Transportation of Children
Exception: not required by licensed providers who do not transport AND not required by LEX Schools who do not transport

If you have any further questions please let us know.

Your Childcare Consultants-
Sherrie and Stacy